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Basilicata: Terra di Cinema - Interview with Actor Rocco Fasano of Ivan Polidoro’s 'La Sorpresa'

Shooting lasted four weeks with post production about six months, and now Ivan Polidoro’s much awaited "La Sorpresa" (The Surprise) is about to make its premiere in Potenza, the capital of the region of Basilicata and the city in which it was shot. 

"La Sorpresa" is the story of Antonio (Mario Ierace) a dying father, Adriana (Adriana Caggiano), the daughter forced to act as head of the household and Rocco (Rocco Fasano), the nurse trying to help. The story centers on Adriana and her struggles in coming to terms with the severity of her father’s illness after having already lost her mother. That loss and the secret behind her mother’s death has left Antonio without the will to live. Adriana’s struggle is real as she tries to act as a caregiver but cannot get passed sterile conversation and seemingly meaningless questions. Rocco, who uses his job to escape his own reality, does it with such passion that he takes on the role of a son, while Adriana watches helplessly knowing that she could never emotionally connect on that level. 

Rocco is a stranger who picks up the pieces when a family member can’t. It’s a universal story and a common situation that many people go through when a parent or close family member falls terminally ill. I asked cast member and Potenza native Rocco Fasano to shed some light on the story and his character. Our interview was done in Italian, so both versions are included. 

What is the message of "La Sorpresa"
The message of this film is freedom of choice, the full awareness of the characters’ existence- their dreams and their failures.

Tell me about your character.
My character is a nurse in charge of the daily care of a man who recently had a stroke. He’s a character whose whole life is his work. He is dedicated with heart and soul, so much so that he helps to mend the relationship between the man and his daughter, a relationship that deteriorated over the years due to lies and misunderstandings. 

How did the locals around Potenza take to the shooting?
The locals welcomed us with enthusiasm and curiosity, this being one of the first films to be shot almost entirely in the capital of Basilicata.

Since you are from Potenza, do you feel a special pride for this role?
I absolutely felt an immense joy when I learned that I got the role. I am lucano and proud of it. I am thrilled for the opportunity to contribute to the promotion of my land. This has been an emotional experience that I will remember for as long as I live.  

If you're in Potenza, the premiere of “La Sorpresa” will take place tonight at 8:00 PM at the Cineteatro Due Torri located at via Due Torri, 5. The phone number is 0971.21960.

The December release of La Sorpresa closes out 2015, the most prolific year yet for the Lucana Film Commission and its objective of supporting film production, further validating that Basilicata is indeed the land of cinema. 

Intervista in Italiano

Quel è il messaggio di La sorpresa?
Il messaggio di questo film è la libertà di scelta, la consapevolezza piena della propria esistenza dei propri sogni e dei propri fallimenti.

Raccontami il tuo personaggio.
Il mio personaggio è un infermiere che viene incaricato di badare quotidianamente ad un uomo colpito da un ictus cerebrale. È un personaggio che fa del proprio lavoro la propria vita: ci si dedica con anima e corpo, tant'è che riuscira con spontaneità e amore a ricucire un rapporto ormai deteriorato tra l'uomo e sua figlia, tra i quali bugie e fraintendimenti intercorrono creando un muro quasi invalicabile.

Come sono stati i locali nel ricevere la troupe cinematografica?
I locali ci hanno accolto con entusiasmo e curiosità, essendo questo uno dei primi lungometraggi ad essere stato girato quasi interamente nel capoluogo lucano. 

Ho letto che sei di Potenza. Avendo sangue lucano, hai avuto una speciale passione per lavorare a questo film fatto nella tua terra?
Ho assolutamente provato un'immensa gioia quando ho saputo dell'esito positivo del casting. Sono lucano e fiero di esserlo e sono felice di contribuire alla promozione della mia terra. È stata un'emozione che ricorderò finchè vivrò. 


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